Lediniame "takelyje" - automobilių "boulingas" (video)
Penki smūgiai, ir visi - taiklūs. Tokį savotišką boulingą su Novorosijsko (Rusija) miesto vairuotojais pažaidė vietos komunalininkai, pamiršę smėliu ir druska pabarstyti vieną gatvę.
Iš pradžių joje užstrigo autobusas, o po to vienas po kito rėžėsi penki lengvieji automobiliai, dėl ledo tapę visiškai nevaldomi. Visa tai užfiksuota "varžybų" žiūrovų, tapusių gana įdomaus reginio liudininkais.
Yay!! Lillian was so amazing and we were so proud of her!! To even nap aornud all the noise was sooo good!! Oh and you are welcome for pics or course:) I will get you all of them soon!!! I am slow. Love this post <3 url=chawerpkqc[/url] [link=eteienjtjsc[/link]
I loved everything you said and all the great photo you made, Sweetheart! Yes, we are so very blessed to have our dream daughter and to have gotten to celebrate her very first Christmas together! I was so proud of how well she did to be up in the living room the entire day and be her beautiful happy self! Lillian is the ultimate Christmas gift for us and it's so much fun to give her these new experiences together.
Thank you for the great post and the great weekly photo! I was eeixtcd to actually be awake early enough today to be a part of this week's Saturday photo shoot. It was so much fun to try to get photos of her again. I usually take a few when I'm up but the premium light is already gone by that point.It was fun to work as a team with one of us getting her to smile and the other snapping away the photos. Rachel took the great 22 week photo and we took turns with the rest of them. Isn't she growing so beautifully? That sweet face and perfect smile are just heart-melting. It makes me smile just to look at these on the computer screen. Look at that softest golden hair! These 22 weeks have gone so fast and we're so grateful for each new day.