

birželio, 2009

Pristatytas naujas vandeniliu varomas miesto automobilis (Video)

Antradienį Didžiosios Britanijos sostinėje Londone buvo pristatyta automobilio idėja, kurios pagrindinis tikslas - įveikti tris pagrindines technologines kliūtis, iškylančias kuriant vandeniliu varomą automobilį.

Kaip ir kiti vandeniliniai automobiliai, „Riversimple“ miesto automobilis (RUC) yra varomas kuru, kuris gaunamas vandeniliui jungiantis su deguonimi ir tokiu būdu išlaisvinant energiją. RUC kūrėjai tvirtina, jog kurdami mažą, efektyvų automobilį, jie pradėjo nuo nulio, tačiau ši idėja gali būti įgyvendinta pakankamai greitai.

Nors tokia stambi kompanija „Honda“ prognozuoja, jog jos vandenilinis automobilis „FCX Clarity“ masiškai gaminti bus pradėtas tik 2018 metais, tuo tarpu RUC autoriai tikisi, kad „Riversimple“ bus pradėtas gaminti jau 2011 metais.

Švaresnis kuras

Jei vandenilis bus gaunamas iš atsinaujinančių energijos šaltinių arba bus pakankamai efektyviai naudojamas, gali sumažėti tarša miestuose ir anglies dvideginio išmetimas. Tačiau egzistuoja trys pagrindinės problemos, susijusios su vandenilinio automobilio sukūrimu:

  • kuro elementams reikia brangiai kainuojančios platinos,
  • yra sudėtinga sukurti pakankamai galingą transporto priemonę,
  • vandenilį sunku laikyti dideliais kiekiais.

„Šios kliūtys yra labai realios, bet jas labai sureikšmino didžiosios automobilių gamintojos, - sakė „Riversimple“ kūrėjas ir automobilių mechanikas Hugo Spowers. – Jeigu automobilis yra lengvas ir efektyvus, šios kliūtys gali būti sumažintos“.

RUC yra automobilio „Smart“ dydžio, jo masė siekia 350 kilogramų (772 paundus) ir iš viso sunaudoja 6 kilovatus galios. Tuo tarpu jau minėtas  „Honda FCX Clarity“ naudoja net 100 kilovatų.

300 kilometrų reikia vos 1 kilogramo skysto vandenilio (prie normalaus atmosferos slėgio toks kiekis užima 26 litrus). Didžiausias šio automobilio greitis – 50 mylių per valandą (80,4672 kilometrų per valandą), o 30 mylių per valandą (48 km/h) greitį RUC gali pasiekti per 5,5 sekundes. Jei vandenilis gaunamas iš gamtinių dujų, išmetamas anglies dioksido kiekis važiuojant mieste siekia vos 30 g/km.

Be baterijos?

RUC varomas keturiais elektros varikliais – po vieną kiekviename rate. Šie varikliai buvo sukurti Oksfordo universitete. Toks variklių panaudojimas leidžia sumažinti energijos poreikį net 50 proc. Tai yra žymiai daugiau, nei gali dauguma elektra varomų bei hibridinių automobilių. 

Be to, RUC automobiliuose nenaudojama baterija. Jie remiasi ultrakondensatoriais, kurie gali priimti ir išlaisvinti energiją daug greičiau. „Greitai didinant greitį, net 70 proc. energijos gaunama iš ultrakondensatorių“, - sakė Hugo Spowers.

Įgyvendinamas planas

Automobilio projektas, išskyrus variklį ir kuro elementus, bus visiems prieinamas. Tai reiškia, kad kiekvienas asmuo arba kiekviena kompanija galės susipažinti su šiuo projektu.

Vis dėlto pats automobilis nebus viešai pardavinėjamas - jis bus nuomojamas. „Mes siekiame paskatinti žmones kuo ilgiau juos išbandyti, priprasti ir ne iš karto pakeisti savo transporto priemones“, - tvirtino Hugo Spowers.

Jis tikisi, kad nuomoti šiuos automobilius bus pradėta jau 2011 metais, nedideliame Didžiosios Britanijos mieste. Į nuomos kainą bus įtrauktas ir nemokamas priėjimas prie specialių vandenilio papildymo stočių. Tikimasi, kad kaina sieks 200 svarų sterlingų (330 dolerių) per mėnesį.

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2018-12-08 01:12:19

You have earned bteetr than this more than unkind treatment by the local media Gerry. You have gone above and beyond any right thinking person in this a most unjust problem for everyone concerned. I still feel that you have acted and done the right things, with you family in mind and the best interest of them. As they do say , "walk in my shoes , and than and than you may understand" It is so true in your case now, the rights of the victim are vital and should be respected. As a media specialist we must understand media's role as the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's real power . I hope you get the respect you and your earned as human being not just news.Sometimes the news is only dead trees with information smeared on them and forgotten images and sounds. url=sjykocyn[/url] [link=xnmfioseuh[/link]
2015-12-04 09:12:55

Gerry although it is easy to say, just the fools who think they know how somebody should act in this sort of situation. You and your family have been through a horrific ordeal, one which will hopefully come to an end soon. I think some people need to recognise this and stop making judgements about things that they don't understand. As if any of us can really understand something like this.A few days ago you had the decency to state that Iris and Peter Robinson have the right to deal with their private issues in their own way. Despite your differences with the DUP you were good enough to make this statement. I think it's a shame that some people can't allow you the same space.My thoughts are with you. I hope you, Aine and the rest of the family find some peace and closure once this is all over. Remember, some of us have an idea of what you are going through and have the greatest of sympathy.
2015-12-02 21:12:07

inequality so that they can hold on to their support base rellay is a belter. It's the ultimate caricature of the cynical politician: Gerry Adams and Co. are wasting all this time working simply to maintain their popularity, not to reach some sort of objective ... um, ok.And, ha! They run their meetings in English in Gaoth Dobhair so OBVIOUSLY they aren't sincere about the language. I know, we've been here before. Ad nauseam.The ego at play here is frightening. Imagining again that his editorial castigation of SF actually, well, existed, Concubhar claims that the party felt such embarrassment over His criticism of their initial inaction after the attack on the Irish Language Broadcast Fund by their colleague Edwin Poots (DUP), that they raced to make amends lest they should be called to account publicly in that way again. Dream on, a Choncubhair.I rellay like the reference to the pointless parades organised, not by SF, but by POBAL, an organisation strongly supported by Concubhar, to the
2015-12-02 10:12:17

Dear Sir/Madam,Greetings, My name is Nazia Naqvi. I have successfully cotelempd my Post-Graduation (M. Sc) in Energy Systems from University of Petroleum & Energy Studies, Dehradun, India. I am having a Bachelor degree (B. Sc) in Physics from university of Delhi, New Delhi, India. During my post-graduation tenure, I have studied about the history of climate change, evolution of UNFCCC & Kyoto Protocol along with three cooperative mechanisms devised to help the developed economies to address climate change. Although my area of focus during post-graduation was Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), I have also studied about RE technology such as Wind Power, Small Hydro and Solar and their role in mitigating GHG emissions along with the roles these potential projects can play in promoting sustainable development in the developing nations. Presently, I am associated with Carbon Assets Management division of a large power sector conglomerate based in New Delhi, India for more than +3 years. Here, I am involv
2015-07-16 21:07:03

Seana, what happens in a small pub in Dublin stays in a small pub in Dublin.Actually, some of the off-the-record stuff was hair-raising. Damn ye olde ethics ...
2015-07-16 13:07:56

I read THE COLD COLD GROUND last week and it still presses its way into my thutghos randomly. I've been a fan of Adrian since i read THE DEAD YARD, but the COLD COLD GROUND Looks down upon them all in my eyes. I can;t wait for an American publisher to get SIRENS available here.
2015-07-14 01:07:16